The Elementary
6 - 12 years
Our Elementary Classroom
Your child will study both broadly and deeply, covering many subjects not attempted in conventional schools.
Because there is not a rigid schedule or prescribed curriculum that the whole class must follow, your child can focus intensely on her self-chosen work, with minimal interruption. At the same time, your student will collaborate with the teacher to ensure that his or her work is challenging and purposeful – and that basic standards are met.
In that way, the teacher is in charge of the minimum scope of work – your child is in charge of the maximum.

Words from Maria Montessori:

"Since it has been seen to be necessary to give so much to the child, let us give him a vision of the whole universe. The universe is an imposing reality, and an answer to all questions."
To Educate the Human Potential, p. 5
Learning Occurs Beyond the Classroom
We want the children to be comfortable navigating the world, not just our classroom. So, we have a few excellent books, but not everything there is to read about a topic. As a result, the children must ‘go out’ beyond the limits of the classroom to find the information or resource that they need. A ‘Going Out’ is a planned undertaking by a small group of children. They find a resource in the community, schedule the outing, arrange for their own transportation and supervision, prepare themselves for the experience and conduct themselves with dignity while out in public. Each Going Out is an entire course of study on independence, responsibility, and good citizenship — to say nothing of the intellectual rewards that children get from such experience.